Library information
Jinnah medical college Library Peshawar Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa is now one of the well-organized academic library in Pakistan. It contains a print books section, a reference section, quiet study room, discussion and group study room, an e-library & IT Resource center.
The library is air conditioned and spacious, spreading over 6480 sq. feet with a seating capacity for more than 100 readers. Library has facilitated undergraduate students, postgraduate doctors, faculty, consultants & researchers in their studies & teaching.
The library has providing access to the information resources as per need of the students and faculty. The library is a central part of the academic institutions and it provides support to faculty and students of the medical college, college of nursing, rehabilitation sciences & hospitals.
Its collection comprises of books, medical journals and digital databases on various subjects of interest. The library adds new titles and updates its collection regularly to enhance student’s education and to make available the latest resource material for faculty members.
This library provides a way for the students and researchers to access various resources in a research oriented environment. It also has an access to the HEC Digital library that provides full text access to journals and e-books.
Besides medical literature, a substantial number of books on general knowledge, sociology, religion and literature are also available. This library is managed by a team of dedicated, qualified and experienced staff.
6480 Sq Ft
Digital Library
Easily Accessible
To provide the educational resources needed to meet the academic and research demands of the faculty and students. We work together to help them for advancement of medical education & effective utilization of medical information & knowledge, information management & access to the world’s medical literature.
General policy
a. Conduct
- The Library is committed to provide a safe, comfortable and clean environment to its users. Library users are expected to follow the policies. Prohibited activities inside the library are:
- Loud or disruptive behavior.
- Harassment, threatening and dangerous behavior.
- Destruction or defacement of library materials & equipment’s.
- Theft of library materials.
b. Food and drinks
- Beverages in closed and open containers are not permitted in the library. There is also no food stuff permitted in the library.
c. Cell phones
- Talking on cell phones is not permitted in the library.
d. Borrowing
- All the registered users are entitled to borrow books. Lending privileges differ for various categories. Please enquire at the circulation desk.
e. Library Collection
- Our library collection aims to meet the teaching needs of the institute’s academic programmes and to build a significant and distinctive scholarly research collection.
f. Reference Collection
- Library provides efficient and reliable reference services under the supervision of professional staff. Users may address through queries telephone call or e-mail to Library. It includes general & medical dictionaries, books, medical journals and other reference material, in print and electronic form.
g. General Collection
- Besides medical literature, a substantial number of books on general knowledge, sociology, religion and literature are also available.
h. Library Staff
- This library is managed by a team of dedicated, qualified and experienced staff. They should be on hand to provide instructions and guidance to use the appropriate resources in the library.
g. Library Timings
- 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Monday to Saturday). Library will remain closed on Sunday & Public Holidays.
- If you require any further information, contact Library at . Land line No.+92-91-2614421
Library membership is open to all students, faculty, consultants, doctors and staff of JMC and allied educational institutions. Every user must fill a library membership form, duly signed & stamped by a concerned department head. The form is available at library circulation counter.
• Student college card is use as library card for students & service card for employee i.e. faculty, consultants & administrative staff.
• The card is not transferable to use by other library member.
• Members are requested to bring their cards, as these are used for identification and issue/receipt of books.
• Loss of an employee card should be reported to human resource department & students to concerned student affairs department.
• Duplicate card may be issued as per policy.
Library rules
Authority: The library shall be under the control of the Academic Advisor for day to day management.
Objective: To provide prompt services to all faculty, consultants, students and staff of JMC and their allied institutions.
Scope: To provide the better study environment & up to date material and information.
General Rules for All
- The library remains open during working days.
- All faculty, students & staff should fill the library membership form.
- Every member should show his/her card to prove identification at circulation counter.
- Issued books should be returned by those library members, who should go on any long vacations.
- Submit any book for inspection, when requested by the circulation counter staff.
- Do not write, underline or mark any book. Library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be responsible for any damage and replacement. In case, a book is lost or damaged by any member, the same will be replaced with a new one or a fine equivalent to the cost of the book (market rate) will be charged.
- If any member mislays a book and unable to find it after a thorough search, the same will be replaced with a new one or a fine equivalent to the cost of the book (market rate) will be charged.
- Please, do not reshelf the books.
- Reference books, newspapers and periodicals, audio-visual material can only be used in the library.
- Librarian can withdraw any book if required for specific purpose. i.e. for yearly stock taking etc.
- All books and other materials available in library should be used with care, because the replacement is very difficult due to high cost.
- Members are advised to make use of photocopies service instead of mutilating the books & other material.
- Computers are provided in library IT lab for CD/ DVDs use. No student is allowed to use his / her own CDs or flash drives without the permission of computer lab incharge.
- Group study and discussion is not allowed.
- Leave your personal belongings such as books, folders, handbags, briefcases, etc. outside the library entrance.
- Complete silence should be observed except brief talk with the library staff at the circulation desk.
Textbooks & Lending Rules for Students
- Every student will arrange him/herself all the prescribed textbooks.
- Students can borrow two books for a period of 15 days. If the date of return takes place on a holiday, you may return books on next working day.
- A book can be re-issued twice, if any other student does not require the same.
- If a student leaves the college without returning the book(s), a fine equivalent of the original cost of book(s) will be deducted from his/her admission fee security and book(s) will be written off from library ledger/ record.
Lending Rules for Faculty Members /Staff
- Professors, Associate & Assistant Professors can borrow 02 books for 40 days.
- Senior Lecturers & Registrars, Lecturers, Registrars, Demonstrators, MOs & TMOs can borrow 02 books for a period of 60 days.
- Staff can borrow 01 book for a period of 180 days.
- A book can be re-issued twice, if any other faculty/ staff member does not require the same.
- All faculty members & students are advised to avoid discussion/ loud voice on any matter, political or friendly in the library because of silent environment for readers.
- Library member having any grievance or complaint will bring the matter to the notice of Librarian. False complaints are liable to the considered as offense and dealt with accordingly.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in library.
- Drinks & eatables are not allowed in the library.
- Mobile phone conversation is strictly prohibited.
- Mutilation of the library material & any violation of these rules will have serious disciplinary action.
- Dress code will be observed.
- Children less than 10 years of age will not be allowed to enter the Library premises.
Return of Library Material
- Following rules will apply:-
- Borrowers may be informed to return the books if required for some special purpose i.e. stock taking. Such recalled items must be returned as soon as possible, irrespective of the due date.
- All borrowed books will be returned within the stipulated period. Reminders will be issued to those borrowers, who will not return the books within the prescribed period.
- Fine will be charged from students against all the books, returned after the due date. While returning the books, members will ensure that entries are completed by the library staff in their presence.
Damage/Loss of Library Material
- Loss of any items must be reported to library staff at once; users will be considered personally responsible and all costs associated with replacing lost or damaged items will be charged to the borrower.
Loss/damage will involve payment as given below
- Latest market rates in case of books available in the market.
- Cost of the complete set will be charged in case the book is part of a set containing more than one volume.
- Library is working with the specific aim to provide best collection to students and faculty. Following facilities are available for members.
- Library has extensive collection on health sciences including general subjects.
Material on CDs/DVDs (e-library)
- Library has broad collection of CDs/ DVDs for use of library members within the library.
Magazine/ Medical Journals
- Library has subscribed print medical journals and access to digital databases. Back issues of the medical journals are also available in the library.
- Library has subscribed national English & Urdu newspapers for readers.
Library services
The following services have provided by library to all readers.
Orientation Programme
- In order to facilitate the students with the library services, procedures and resources, an orientation programme has conducted at the beginning of first semester of each discipline.
- Students are informed about the library resources & their effective use.
- Students are also taught about the use of online catalogue including hands on practice.
- They are also informed with the library rules and regulations.
- Demonstrations on accessing electronic resources are arranged time to time for all in the IT resource center including individual sessions.
Inquiry and Advisory Services
- Staff is available to answer general and specific questions on all related subjects. They provide help to library users in literature exploration from resources available in print and other media.
Circulation & Lending Services
- Circulation is the main task of the library, in which books are issued & returned as per lending policy. Library staff is readily available at circulation counter.
New Arrivals and Contents Alert Services
- Lists of new books and tables of contents of new journals received in the library are electronically shared to all faculty members.
Photocopying Services
- Library materials can be borrowed for photocopying.
- Photocopy service is available in the library on payment basis. However, a complete book is not allowed as per copyright regulations.
Reference and Customer Service (Document Delivery Service)
- The library has providing the free document delivery services for its members via email.
- The reference services are provided based on available entire/ online data.
Internet and Intranet Services
- The library user can check the library catalogue from anywhere at online user page through library web-based HMIS & LIMS software.
- HEC digital library data can access only inside the JMC premises via local area network.
Serial Services
- The library has subscribed international and national journals in the field of health sciences and maintains their back issues. The serials collection is the reference resources and can read inside the library.
- The library has shared the data to users electronically & provide online journal articles on demand.
E-library Services
- Library has provided e-library services to users regarding CD/DVDs. A vast collection is available in library and users can use inside the library only.
Academic/Digital Repository Services
- Digital Library
- Registered users can access the digital academic repository services to get the full text articles, ebooks & thesis through Dspace repository software.
Library on Moodle Software
- If you want to login your Moodle account, click
- A login page has opened where you enter your login ID and password. Then you submit and enter your Moodle online page, where you can access JMC library dls